18 September 2010

Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie

Day 03 — Your favorite television program

Day 04 — Your favorite book

Day 05 — Your favorite quote

Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy

Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Again, as with many of my previous posts, I'm going to start out by saying I don't necessarily have a favorite...
Today's theme is favorite quote. I have many favorite quotes; many of them tacked onto my bedroom wall in between my light switch and  a photo of Vivien Leigh and a Rorschach type canvas of Audrey Hepburn.  
There's one quote that I've really liked a lot for a while though. Well, it's not really a  quote- it's a couple of lines from a poem by Wordsworth. The poem: Odes on Intimations of Immortality. 
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass,
Of glory in the flower, we will grieve not. 
Rather find strength in what remains behind.
If you're a fan of classic films, or of Natalie Wood, I'm sure you recognize these lines. They are heavily featured in the 1961 film Splendor in the Grass (which is where the movie got its title) and are spoken by Natalie Wood at the end of the movie. (And by the way, if you haven't seen Splendor in the Grass, please do. It's a great film and Natalie Wood is so amazing in it) 
Anyhow, back to the post topic. I've been posting this quote everywhere, from my facebook page to scribbling it down in a margin of paper. I posted it when me and an ex broke up. I like it a lot because I like the idea of forgetting the past and moving forward. It's over, it's done, and it's not coming back, so deal with it and move on.   

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